God is calling you! He wants you! So you should be willing to change your life but not in such an extreme way as to become a foreign missionary...
This message or one similar to it seemed to be presented several times and in several different ways during the months Bryce and I were quietly discerning God's call for us to become foreign missionaries.
Lately it has been echoing around my mind again and the reason is this, Our God is Extraordinary! He is the creator of the universe, He is beyond time, beyond space! He knows all of his creations intimately! I am even more deeply aware of His extraordinary nature during this time of year. God chose to send his only son here as an infant so that Jesus could eventually save all of us from our sin and our death by dying on a cross and rising from the dead! In our Catholic faith, we believe God did all of this and allows us to partake of Him and be intimately united with Him when we receive Him in the Eucharist!
I was reading the book of Luke in the Bible the other day and I came across the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and I came across this verse Luke 24:15 "Jesus himself drew near and walked with them." It may not seem like much to you but when I read it, I was floored by the extraordinary love our God has for us! Jesus, who is God, chose to be close to us, so close in fact, He became one of us! He walks with us in our struggles, in our pain, in our sin and in our suffering just to unite us with our heavenly Father!
So back to my original question, why would our God ask us to do something extraordinary? Because our God is extraordinary and He wants us to be like Him! He did not create any of us to be ordinary. He does not love us with an ordinary love. He calls all of us to the extraordinary so He can reveal even more of Himself to us, so He can pour even more extraordinary grace upon us!
Just to clarify, I am not saying everyone is called to be a foreign missionary but I am saying God does have something extraordinary for you, just ask Him!
Merry Christmas!!!